The Birmingham Royal Orthopaedic Hospital had already trialled a storage and charging unit from another manufacturer. Because this unit was made from metal, the ROH found that when the unit door was closed it stopped 80% of wifi from reaching the devices. Cyber-security and malware attacks are a constant concern for hospitals all over the world and the ROH is no different. Microsoft has partnered with the NHS to integrate fraud protection in all new surface Pro devices so, as the ROH has invested so heavily in the purchase of the Surface Pros it is paramount that updates can be installed on the devices and access is not blocked otherwise it leaves the devices, patient data, and indeed the hospital vulnerable. LapCabby offered the ROH a trail period for the Lyte Wall unit to give them the opportunity to fully test the product and LapCabby the opportunity to adapt the unit to best suit the needs of the hospital and staff. Read our full case study to here.