LapCabby Shipments to the Republic of Ireland

At the start of the Brexit process we did not want our EU customers to see any increase in costs as a result of the UK parting company with the EU. Now that we have a post Brexit trade agreement in place, there are no duties payable and hence it is only the customs charges that we need to manage.

We intend to continue to use PalletTrack to provide DDP shipments to ROI end users on behalf of our ROI resellers. To facilitate the required customs clearances we have partnered with Roche logistics who will be managing our export (from the UK) customs clearances and the Import (into the ROI) customs clearances. So we will continue to export to the ROI as we have done in the past but we are now paying for an Export/Import Customs clearance service from Roche Logistics. Once any shipment arrives in the ROI it will require import customs clearance by the Importer/Buyer/ROI reseller but this can be done by Roche Logistics on your behalf, however, you will need to give them authorisation to do so.

We have already provided Roche Logistics with a signed form giving them the Authority to act as an export customs clearing agent on our behalf however, you now need to complete and return this form and a Tax and Duty Authority form (see links below) to us such that we can ensure Roche are set up manage your import custom clearances.

Customs and Excise Clearance Agent Form: download here

RLG F024 – Customs Clearance Agent – Direct Representative: download here

Although Roche will carry out the import customs clearances on your behalf, their services, for both the export and the import clearances, will be billed to us. You should therefore not see any financial or logistical changes to our shipping service.

We trust the above is acceptable to you going forwards and we have provided the details of our clearing agent for your information.

Roche Logistics Group
Wexford Road
Rosslare Harbour
Co. Wexford
Y35 TX3F
  • User Code is any 6 digit single entry code that can be input to lock and unlock a single compartment, once unlocked the lock will reset ready for the next user
  • Technician Code is a factory default code to be reset upon first use to ensure security, this code allows access to any compartment if a User Code is forgotten
  • Master Code is a factory default code for each lock that will restore the digital lock back to factory its setting, removing access using any previous codes installed